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Vaccination against Influenza Protects the Mother and Baby

Posted by Healthy Pregnancy on Thursday, March 22, 2012

Far too few pregnant women are vaccinated against influenza. Why? For fear of possible toxicity. But the vaccine against influenza is safe during pregnancy. But also by lack of information on its profits. A new study shows that vaccination of the mother in Q3 protects both the child and mother?

The influenza virus, potentially dangerous for all

Governments and begin their campaign of incitement to vaccination against influenza, "many French people underestimate the flu or confused with other diseases. Influenza is much more painful than a cold. It attacks the nose, throat, bronchi and lungs. It triggers fever, chills, pain and fatigue during a powerful 2-5 days, followed by a long period of weakness. Above all, it still causes deaths every year. "

Who is most at risk against the flu virus?

The elderly and those suffering from long-term illness (see list at end of article) are more vulnerable to flu viruses. But pregnant women and infants are also at risk populations.
Indeed, the flu virus can complicate late pregnancy (cardio respiratory complications) and have adverse effects in both the mother and the fetus (cardiac events, respiratory, sometimes fatal) and infant (increased risk of hospitalization for influenza infection). Also note that pregnant women are often in contact with young children, which harbor the virus and easily transmitted equally easily. Finally, be aware that the vaccine against influenza is not toxic during pregnancy the mother and fetus.

Double advantage with vaccination

But these arguments "classics", as long known, one can add the conclusion of a new study that followed couples mothers / children up to age 6 months. By comparing the frequency of infectious problems, we find that respiratory infections are less frequent among mothers who received a vaccination against influenza and their children, mothers compared with couples / unvaccinated children. Thus, vaccination against influenza in the third trimester of pregnancy protects both the mother and child. It is also recommended for women desiring a child to be vaccinated.

List of diseases eligible for the rebate to 100% of the vaccine against influenza

To encourage the most vulnerable to get vaccinated each year, the health insurance pays 100% of the vaccine to people 65 years and older and people with certain chronic diseases ( www.ameli.fr ):

Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes

Disabling stroke

Severe chronic nephropathy and nephrotic syndrome primitive

Severe muscle and neurological diseases (including myopathy), severe epilepsy.


Hemoglobinopathies, chronic hemolysis constitutional and acquired severe
Severe chronic respiratory failure
Severe heart failure, cardiac dysrhythmia severe valvular heart disease severe, severe congenital heart defects

Severe primary immunodeficiency requiring prolonged treatment, infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) *

And since this year:
Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary

Children and adolescents (aged 6 months to 18 years) whose condition requires prolonged treatment with acetylsalicylic acid (Kawasaki syndrome complicated and juvenile chronic arthritis).

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