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Pregnancy Weight and Digestion, Frequent Problems

Posted by Healthy Pregnancy on Thursday, March 22, 2012

Managing your weight during pregnancy is not always easy. When digestive problems are involved, the early months of pregnancy can seem very long and treacherous. Some tips to remember.

Pregnancy and digestive disorders

Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy

These digestive disorders usually disappear spontaneously and the fourth month of pregnancy. Meanwhile, they are rude and sometimes very difficult to bear. They may also cause more or less food during the early pregnancy. So what?

Split your meals during the day: make three smaller meals, complemented by one, two or three snacks in the morning, afternoon and evening
Also split your meals throughout the day to never stay long fasting.
Eat slowly and chew a long time.
Avoid fatty foods, acids and / or spicy.
Do not lie down right after lunch.
Constipation during pregnancy

It can result from poor nutrition or low in fiber.

Drink plenty of water (one and a half liters per day minimum). Prefer water rich in magnesium (sup 50 mg / l).
Increase your intake of high fiber foods: fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread or bran, starchy other comprehensive (rice, pasta?).
Maintain a daily physical activity "reasonable" in the absence of cons-indications: minimum 30 minutes of walking per day.
Do not use laxatives without consulting your doctor.
Weight problems during pregnancy

Nausea, vomiting, heartburn are symptoms of early pregnancy that can prevent you from eating nutritious food. You should therefore monitor your weight by weighing yourself once or twice a month. If you do not take or if you lose, ask your doctor.

Conversely, if you take too much weight , talk to your doctor to define it with the weight changes and the possible way forward. On average, we recommend taking a 12 kg to promote pregnancy and an uncomplicated delivery, and then easily return to your previous weight. It is however only an average. You should also remember that during the first half of pregnancy, the weight gain medium is low: 4 to 5 kg, and becomes more important later. A varied and balanced diet is usually sufficient to cover the needs of the mother and fetus. Needless to eat for two. In all cases, dieting, whatever they are, are cons-indicated during pregnancy.

Caution and soy phytosterols during pregnancy!

During pregnancy, certain elements are favored. This is the case of vitamin B9 (folate), calcium, vitamin D, iron, and iodine. Conversely, there are prohibited (alcohol and tobacco) and foods to avoid or consume in moderation (liver and liver products, caffeine).

What about soy, soy products and phytosterols? Soybeans and their products contain phytoestrogens, which may have undesirable effects on the fetuses of animals. As a precaution, they should be avoided during pregnancy.

Avoid dietary supplements containing soy extracts
Limit foods containing soy (not more than one per day): tonyu or soy milk, tofu, soy-based desserts. As for margarine, yogurt and other milk drinks with added phytosterols, they are for people who have too much cholesterol and not recommended for pregnant women (even if they have too much cholesterol) because the risks are not known.

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