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Pregnancy Preparation

Posted by Healthy Pregnancy on Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Before pregnancy it helps expectant mothers prepare him well. One way to get the correct information and prepare yourself physically and mentally. Here's the information you need to know:

A. Check Up Pre-pregnancy

Routine blood tests. With this examination can be known whether the mother had anemia, infection, or disorders of blood clotting factors.

Blood group and rhesus. Examination to determine the rhesus mother and the couple is important to know because if the mother has Rh (-) and the father has Rh (+), and the fetus has Rh (+) rhesus incompatibility will cause that could result in the death of the fetus.

Hepatitis B (HBsAg). When the lab results showed HBsAg (-), the mother can run 3x vaccinations given before pregnancy. Injections made 3 times, to ensure adequate levels of antibody are formed, and last a lifetime.

Conversely, if HBsAg (+), the mother should not be vaccinated. But the baby will have to be in the vaccination after birth.

TORCH (Toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes Simplex Virus). TORCH infections during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, premature birth, or congenital abnormalities in infants.

Blood Sugar (done while fasting and not fasting) aimed to examine whether there is a trend in maternal diabetes mellitus, or at least have a disorder that can develop into diabetes mellitus, such as glucose intolerance.

VDRL (Veneral Diseases Research Laboratory). This is a screening of syphilis, a venereal disease that is transmitted through sexual contact. The fetus is infected may have an enlarged liver and spleen, jaundice, anemia, skin lesions, enlarged lymph nodes and nervous system disorders. Treatment for syphilis before pregnancy to prevent bias affected infants kontigenital abnormalities.

Complete urinalysis. To find out urinary tract infection and the presence of blood, protein, sugar and urine that indicate specific diseases.

Chromosome analysis. If there is a history in the family or couple who have a genetic defect, such as Down syndrome, thalassemia and hemophilia, you should do these checks, as well as pregnant women above 35 years of age.

2. Consider nutrition and supplements.

When pregnant women should eat a meal for two. So do the 300 calorie per day diet of foods: lean meat, fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads, dairy products (dairy products) is low in fat.

If of sufficient food, the mother does not need to get the supplement. But often it does not happen for many reasons. This is where the need for supplements, such as:

- Folic Acid (folic acid)

Studies show by taking supplements of folic acid from 1 month before and during the first 3 months of pregnancy can reduce the risk of neural tube defects by 70%. The Neural Tube, which will become the brain and the baby's spinal cord, formed during the first 28 days of pregnancy. If the neural tube does not form properly will cause neural tube defects like spina bifida, or cleft lip.

- Calcium.
Due to high demand for calcium to later fetal growth, planning to become pregnant mother should increase consumption of calcium to prevent bone calcium loss. Recommended calcium derived from milk and low fat dairy products (cheese and yogurt), calcium-fortified products (orange juice, soy milk and cereals), vegetables, dark green (spinach, broccoli), tofu, dried beans , almond. If the mother was not able to meet the requirement of calcium intake, calcium supplement intake is eat from a doctor.

- Iron.
In the absence of sufficient iron, your body can not produce enough red blood cells, organs and tissues in the body also will not get the oxygen it needs to function properly. Aside from supplements, actually we can get iron from red meat, dark poultry, tuna, salmon, eggs, tofu, dried beans, dried fruits, green leafy vegetables, cereals fortified with iron.

3. Sport.
When preparing for pregnancy, do not forget exercise. For all the nutrients that enter the body will be processed in an optimal body if you exercise properly. So exercise every day for 30 minutes or more.

A Few Things to Avoid

- Alcohol.
Alcohol is one of the common causes of mental and physical damage. For information, alcohol easily channeled into the body of the fetus, because the fetus does not have enough organ devices to eliminate the influence of alcohol. This means that high alcohol concentrations can persist in the body of the fetus / baby for a longer time than his mother.

- Nicotine.
Stop smoking three months before the pregnancy is planned, including avoiding the smokers to avoid the risk of passive smoking. Some effects of nicotine on the fetus is someone premature, low birth weight, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), asthma and other respiratory problems.

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