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Pregnancy: what's going on there at the first consultation?

Posted by Healthy Pregnancy on Friday, March 23, 2012

That's it, you're pregnant ! A first consultation monitoring is required. This is to be done before ten weeks of gestation. What are the exams to achieve clinical and laboratory in the early stages of pregnancy ?

First, before listing all the items to be covered during this first consultation of the pregnancy , start with two small details.

What is the difference between "weeks pregnant" and "weeks gestation"?

Amenorrhea means " no rules ". In medical circles, the duration of the pregnancy is expressed in weeks of gestation, that is to say, it is calculated from the first day of last menstrual period. Two weeks before the presumed date of conception . Thus, pregnancy lasts nine months, 39 weeks, or 41 weeks of amenorrhea (39 + 2). For example, when we say that the first consultation should take place before 10 weeks gestation, we can also say before 8 weeks of pregnancy .

How many are there follow-up visits for pregnancy?

Monitoring the pregnancy has seven consultations reimbursed by Social Security. The first takes place before the end of the third month (or before 10 weeks gestation or 8 weeks of pregnancy). Then the rhythm is a consultation a month until delivery.

Examinations and Prevention of the first pregnancy consultation

Establishing the diagnosis of pregnancy and dating of the pregnancy.
General clinical examination and pelvic height, weight, breast exam, Pap smear (if the latter is prior to 2-3 years).

Blood: blood typing (A, B, O, Rh), glycosuria, proteinuria, agglutinins, toxoplasmosis, syphilis.

Examinations offered to those at risk: AIDS screening chromosomal abnormalities involving a measurement of fetal nuchal translucency (1st ultrasound), measurement of serum markers, urine culture (urine culture), and screening for anemia.

Search for risk factors, including diabetes and hypertension.

Identification of general professional and social risks.

Research family history, personal related to pregnancy before, surgical, pathological.
Supplementation with folic acid (vitamin B9) to prevent abnormalities of neural tube defects among women with low or at risk of deficiency.

Awareness of the effects of smoking, alcohol, drugs and certain medications.
Information on the monitoring of pregnancy.

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