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Choose a safe drug

Posted by Healthy Pregnancy on Thursday, January 5, 2012

Use of drugs during pregnancy should be careful to remember can be dangerous and cause growth defects in the fetus.

There are some common drugs kandunga negative impact for the fetus. Painkillers and fever of aspirin and paracetamol groups if used excessively can cause bleeding in the fetus, toxicity or poisoning the kidneys. While the mother may increase the acidity of the stomach giving rise to pain and nausea
For relief of nausea and Antiemetic drug, although the content is relatively safe antihistamine used but not recommended because it can interfere with fetal growth.

In essence, the use of drugs during pregnancy should be avoided. Minor complaints such as dizziness, nausea, stiffness, can be overcome by other means such as yoga exercise, eat nutritious food, massage, multiply eat fresh fruit, and others. By avoiding drugs fetal condition is expected to grow more healthy.

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