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Pregnancy tests: my dashboard

Posted by Healthy Pregnancy on Friday, March 23, 2012

Blood tests, urine, ultrasound and other complementary tests for prenatal diagnosis of type, are as many exams that will be required as part of monitoring the pregnancy to ensure it runs smoothly. Little review of examinations that will punctuate the entire pregnancy.

Which tests is the first visit of pregnancy?

This first consultation of pregnancy is advised before the end of the second month of pregnancy. Caution, it may take longer than others because the doctor will make a complete assessment, and will ask about your personal and family history, your age, living conditions, work, transportation, the course of your previous pregnancies, etc.

He will conduct a review clinic to make sure everything goes well, you will be asked to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Finally, he will prescribe blood and urine tests and schedule your next appointment (one consultation every 3 months and ultrasound) which will also be used to monitor your weight, your blood pressure, your growing uterus and the cervix closed.

What tests are blood and urine during pregnancy?

The first blood test to check your blood group, red blood cells (anemia research), serologic tests for rubella, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B and C, HIV (AIDS virus).

In case of no immunization against toxoplasmosis, you will do a blood test every month. Also once a month, we will search for sugar and albumin in your urine.

In the sixth month of pregnancy, a new screen for anemia and diabetes screening will be undertaken.

When are scheduled ultrasounds during pregnancy?

The ultrasounds are not dangerous for the baby, but as a precaution, avoid the ultrasound so-called "pleasure" (more expensive and not reimbursed by Social Security, but offering the production of a video memory of the baby) which is useless in terms of diagnosis and only business.

The first ultrasound is practiced in the 12th or 13th week of gestation: the first visual contact with the baby, dating from the beginning of pregnancy, fetal position and thickness of his neck, diagnosis of a possible pregnancy twins.

The second scan is carried out approximately 22 weeks. It is called morphological examination of the skeleton, organs, detection of possible anomalies, growth monitoring, and quantification of amniotic fluid, placenta. The position of the baby's gender can be determined during the second ultrasound.

The third ultrasound takes place around the 33rd week: position of the baby, placenta, growth, quantification of amniotic fluid, baby's estimated weight (normal weight between 2.6 and 4.3 kg). During this third and last ultrasound, a Doppler umbilical cord is made ​​to ensure that the baby is well fed.

What is the consultation of the ninth month of pregnancy?

This last visit of pregnancy is used to assess the evidence of delivery: pool size, position of the baby, vaginal swab screening of group B streptococci, monitoring (some maternity realize a recording of baby's heart rate and contractions of the uterus). Finally, a pre-anesthetic visit is to plan even if an epidural is not considered.

What are the tests for prenatal diagnosis?

Through a blood test done at the 13th or between the 14th and the 18th week, we select women who are at risk of carrying a baby with trisomy 21. Warning, this is the calculation of a statistical risk, not a diagnosis. Only in case of risk greater than or equal to 1/250, we propose an amniocentesis.

It is between the 16th and 18th weeks and involves taking under ultrasound amniotic fluid with a very fine needle through the abdomen of the expectant mother. Thus collected cells of the fetus to determine its "identity card chromosome."

We can also perform a biopsy of the trophoblast, which now consists in removing cells from the future placenta, very early to see if the fetus carries a genetic defect. The levy is more delicate than that of amniocentesis, and occurs earlier, between the 9th and 12th week and has a slightly higher risk of miscarriage, 2%.

To know about the bleeding first trimester

A pregnancy out of four is accompanied by bleeding in the first quarter. It is small and brown, this is not worrisome. In contrast, red or heavy bleeding should lead them to consult their doctor who will prescribe a blood test (beta hCG) and ultrasound to eliminate a risk of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

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